Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Adaptive Technology

Adaptive Technology
  1. Describe how you might use any of these resources to assist special needs of students in your class now and/or in the future.
This website  provided many different options for many different kinds of disabilities and how to incorporate adaptive technology to allow for these students to have access to computers just like every student.  Knowing that these options are out there having given me the insight on the possibilities for technology in my classroom if necessary in the future.  I believe that the technology connected to computer access is something that I definitely will use in the future.      
  1. Present at least 2 new ideas/applications/opportunities that you learned about assistive technologies through your research.
I learned about students who have low vision can now have a keyboard with home row indicators lights and a large print keys to help them with everyday word documents and typing. 
I also learned how students with mobility problems can now use mouth sticks, head sticks, or other pointing devices and there are modified keyboards which are expanded, mini, or one-handed.
  1. List at least 2 new locations for attaining Adaptive Technologies for your students. These are places (on the web or in the physical world) where you can actually borrow/checkout/purchase/download technological tools that will benefit your students.

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